What is the banking pool and how does it affect you - Workcapital
Table of contents

1. Bank Pool: what it is, what it is for and who can request it

Do you know what the pool banking?

It's one of those financial terms that can throw you off balance if you've never heard it.

It is convenient for you to know him, because it may depend on him whether or not you get certain financing or economic support.

Next, we explain it to you in detail. We will also take the opportunity to explain to you what the CIRBE -the other risk report you should know-.

2. What is called pool banking?

El pool banking is a detailed banking risk report. In other words, it includes a detailed analysis of all the sources of financing that a legal person has in a certain period of time.

In general, the pool banking, will be an evaluative compilation of the following elements:

– Loans.

– Credits.

– Mortgages.

– Financing operations.

– Guarantees.

– Discount lines.

– Leasing lines.

– Confirming lines.

– Factoring lines.

– Other financing instruments.

3. What is a bank pool used for?

The banking pool has two fundamental functions:

- Internal use: It is used for the correct management of banking risk and knowledge of the real financing cost of the company.

- External use: This is very good information when looking for new financing opportunities. The reason is simple, banks will have an easier time evaluating you and deciding whether to grant you more financing. Banks normally compare this report with the CIRBE.

4. What are the banks going to ask you for when you want more financing?

As we have already mentioned, you must have an updated banking pool whenever you want to work with a new financial product or service with a credit institution.

At the same time, you will have to present it in addition to the usual information:

– Accounting information. Income statement and balance sheet.

– Tax information. Last taxes presented: personal income tax, companies, VAT...

5. How is this risk report prepared?

Once you are clear about what is called pool banking and what its purpose is, it is easy to imagine what information it contains.

In summary, you must include:

- The name of each banking entity with which you are working on that date.

– The name of the specific financing products in active

- The expiration dates of each of these financial products.

- The amounts and limits set in all of them.

What is the banking pool and how does it affect you - Outline

It is also often interesting to document this information with probative materials. In this sense, a good option is to include recent receipts for each of these products, certificates of account ownership or the originating contracts. Another alternative is to provide the certificate of your outstanding debts with each of the banking entities.

In this way, you deliver reliable and easily verifiable documentation. If you intend to convince your recipient of your financial reliability, this risk report will help you. Transparency and clarity are highly valued in these situations.

6. CIRBE, the other great risk report

The Risk Information Center of the Bank of Spain —also called CIRBE— aims to prepare risk reports on all companies in the country.

Does it seem strange to you?

Don't think so, since it happens every time a bank is considering granting you some type of important financial operation.

CIRBE is a public database, although of a confidential nature (it cannot be accessed by anyone), where all the risks of the clients of credit institutions are collected.

Each financial company provides their information and, in this way, they can later access reality to assess the risk of their decisions.

Are they exactly the same? pool and the CIRBE?

Similar yes, but not identical.

Financial institutions, for example, are not required to declare credits of less than 6.000 euros. That is, if you have a credit of 10.000 euros, it will appear, but it will not be like that if you have two of 5.000 euros.

However, this information is included in the pool.

In addition, some alternative financing formulas do not necessarily have to appear either, such as the services of promissory note discount y invoice advances.

7. Who can request a pool banking?

As a rule, they are financial entities those who demand this documentation from their potential clients. They use it as a complement to the CIRBE to decide whether or not to grant the proposed financial request.

In addition, occasionally, some may ask you for this information. investors. Without a doubt, it is very useful content to x-ray your current economic reality.

Likewise, on some occasions, it is carried out internal within the company. For example, the financial director or some other management position may consider it interesting to compile this information to make decisions.

At this point, you are in a position to deal with the banking pool with much more rigor and criteria. When someone asks you, you will be very clear about why they do it and in what direction you should or should not elaborate it.

8. How can we help you at WorkCapital?

Generally, banks have many requirements and it is very easy for them not to want to finance you or to the extent that you need it due to your risk profile, so your liquidity problems will not be solved.

Therefore, in this situation, we recommend you resort to alternative financing.


En workcapital, we offer you alternative financing products that do not appear in this type of report.

Ask us without obligation, we will be happy to help you.

What is the banking pool and how does it affect you - Closing
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