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Take reason: Know all the options

La reason It is one of those technical collection management concepts that only specialists master.

Often, not knowing the vocabulary means also ignoring certain interesting opportunities for your business.

It is important, therefore, to be clear about all the options before making decisions or signing any agreement.

For this reason, it is best to have experts in financial management let them advise you

Taking reason: meaning and when it is applied

Do you know what the Service Factoring as a Financial Tool for Managing Seasonal Fluctuations in Trucking and how it affects the taking of reason in factoring?

If you manage a business, either as a freelancer or as an entrepreneur, you will be aware of the importance of collections.

All commercial activity includes three decisive processes:

  • – Generate the sale
  • – Deliver the goods and, most importantly,
  • - Charge.

In any case, between financial management It is essential to manage the treasury well to meet the required payments on the scheduled dates.

El Service Factoring as a Financial Tool for Managing Seasonal Fluctuations in Trucking facilitates correct control of working capital and reason acquires special relevance.

Explaining the tomas de razón and the service of Factoring as a Financial Tool for Managing Seasonal Fluctuations in Trucking

El Service Factoring as a Financial Tool for Managing Seasonal Fluctuations in Trucking is one of financial management that enables you to collect an invoice before expiration.

It consists of receiving that amount from an entity unrelated to both parties, in exchange for interest and the transfer of full credit original.

La taking reason in Spain it is a request made by the provider, that is, by the owner of the original invoice pending collection, but,

What is?

Fundamentally, for certify that the rights to that economic income are assigned to a third party.

Think, for example, that you are interested in anticipating the collection of a long-term invoice and you reach an agreement with a specialized company, for example, WorkCapital.

This entity will advance the pending payment in exchange for a small commission and you will sign the reason which makes it a creditor, for all intents and purposes, of that specific debt.

Types of reason shots

There are two types of taking reason:

1. recurring. It applies to all invoices or certifications included in the agreement, from the moment of assignment.

2. Punctual. It only affects a single invoice or specific work certification.

Taking Reason - Outline

How are the takings of reason materialized?

You should always record them in writing. These are the valid systems:

  • - A email.
  • – A document annex to the invoice.
  • - A annotation in the rear of the invoice.

The data to be included is clearly defined. Usually they are:

  • - Application reason and date of these financial management.
  • – Complete identification of the invoice: issuer, client, numbering, date, description and indication of the contract, budget or file, etc.
  • – Liquid amount ceded, recorded as credit.
  • – Explicit acceptance of the endorsement, made by the financial entity.
  • - Account number of this entity, to which the payment will be made.
  • – Validated signatures for assignment of credit.

Ultimately, the reason is a procedure used within the Service Factoring as a Financial Tool for Managing Seasonal Fluctuations in Trucking that guarantees the correct transfer of credit.

At WorkCapital, we can help you carry out these financial procedures, do not hesitate to contact us without obligation.

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